Research Interests
My research focuses on molecular mechanisms that govern neuronal migration, differentiation and connectivity during mammalian brain development. These processes are altered and cause cognitive dysfunctions in the aging or diseased brain. The long-term goal of our studies is to improve our understanding of human neurological diseases, particularly developmental brain disorders, and to foster the development of new strategies for treatment.One major project in my laboratory focuses on the function of Reelin in cortical development and adult brain function. Reelin deficiency is associated with cognitive dysfunctions such as schizophrenia and autism. Another project focuses on signaling molecules that are disrupted in human cortical dysplasia, a brain malformation associated with intractable epilepsy. These include the phosphatase PTEN and the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex TSC, which are strongly associated with epilepsy and autism.I teach a 6 class module for undergraduate and graduate students in the Advanced Neurobiology I course, focusing on developmental brain disorders
Research Support
- 09/01/2014 - 06/01/2016 "Identification of TSC cellular phenotypes using patient-derived iPSCs" NIH (1 R21 NS089441) D'Arcangelo, Gabriella Principal Investigator
- 12/01/2014 - 11/01/2015 "Developing TSC patient-derived iPSCs" Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance (04-14) D'Arcangelo, Gabriella Principal Investigator
Contact Gabriella
📍 Nelson B323
604 Allison Rd.
Piscataway, NJ
08854, 08854