Prof Ronald P. Hart
Research Interests
Stem cells as a model of neurogenesis and mental health disorders. Our prior work on microRNAs and transcription factors regulated during neurogenesis has now evolved into the preparation of induced pluripotent cell cultures from specific human disorders to identify mechanisms of neuronal discorders. In general, we plan to collaborate with colleagues studying addiction, schizophrenia, autism, prenatal hypoxia, and developmental neurotoxicity.
Research Support
- "Neurons from blood-derived stem cells as a model of A-T neurodegeneration" A-T Children's Project Ronald P. Hart Principal Investigator
- "Genome Editing to Produce Inducible ATM Deletions in iPSC" A-T Children's Project Ronald P. Hart Principal Investigator
- "Developing an in vitro neurocircuitry model of addiction using risk-associated human neurons" NIH/NIDA (R21 DA035594-01) Zhiping Pang Co-Principal Investigator
- "Collaborative Studies on the Genetics of Alcoholism/COGA" NIH/NIAAA (5U10AA008401) B. Porjesz Co-Principal Investigator
- "NIMH Center Repository Supporting Stem Cell Research" NIH/NIMH (U24 MH068457) Jay A. Tischfield Collaborator