The Zeiss LSM800 point scanning confocal microscope tailors to a broad range of applications in the research environment and is equipped with an Airyscan module that delivers 1.7 times higher resolution than conventional confocal microscopes. The microscope has 4 laser lines (405, 488, 561 and 633nm) for excitation of conventional fluorophores and genetically encodable fluorescent proteins. High scan speeds and two sensitive detectors allow for fast image acquisition. The low dark noise levels of the detectors make them ideal tool for detecting faint cellular signals. The gain in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) allows fast image acquisition while preserving high image quality. The microscope is equipped with the 10X (0.3 NA), 20X (0.8 NA), 40X (1.4 NA) and 63X (1.4 NA) objectives for image acquisition.